Tony liked video cameras. He had dozens of Hi-8 tapes, dating back to 1997. I've encoded them in Windows Media Video format. Apologies to Quicktime lovers and Mac users, but this was a real technical challenge for me just in one format.
To stream, just click the link. To download, right-click and Save As...
Watch this one first: Izno-collage: my tribute to the Izno-show
Brief song in the hospital waiting room
Tony was friends with a famous artist named Steve Tobin. He had hours of footage at Tobin's studio.
-->Tobin sculptures, Tobin squeezes<--
The making of a MusicMatch skin
Beach performance art with stuffed animals - hmm......
The world is always new (featuring Cosmo)
Tony was in a demolition derby
Portrait of the artist as a young man
Me, Tony and Anne at MusicMatch
Santa Claus lives in Grammercy Park.
Moving to San Diego / New Year's 2000
The bet - the dreaded quail egg
In da club - three girls and a fortune cookie.
Tony was also interested in the paranormal phenomenon of RODS:
Foxemb -=-=-Newcave -=-=-Cavemb-=-=-Caverod-=-=Caliemb-=-=-Birdsrod-=-=-Show